
By Demo User March 13, 2025
TSNSW Life Member 2024 - Carol Campling
December 17, 2024
Dear Members Our Tennis Seniors NSW Annual General Meeting was scheduled to be held at Rockdale on Sunday 15 th December 2024. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold the meeting as it is a requirement to have at least 15 members in attendance. We had 3 apologies from the committee leaving only 6 committee members in attendance and 5 other members present. It is a disappointing result given we have over 600 plus paid members. As a result of this outcome, we have rescheduled the AGM for the 6 January 2025 to commence at 6.15pm prior to the NSW State Team’s dinner in Adelaide. By holding this meeting on this date, it will afford other members who are not present in Adelaide to attend via teams which a link will be shared with any members who requests the link prior to the meeting date. The TSNSW committee is hopeful of a greater attendance by offering a team’s meeting. If you would like the link, please contact our secretary Di Cassel at Attached please find copies of AGM papers. Kind regards Brett Haines TSNSW President 0402001177 DOWNLOAD AGM PAPERS
December 13, 2024
TSA Call for Selectors 2025 & 2026
December 13, 2024
Notice of TSA AGM
By Di Cassel November 21, 2024
Tennis Seniors NSW AGM will be held at 11am, on the 15 th December at Rockdale Tennis Club, 71 Chapel Road, Rockdale. The meeting will be held upstairs at the back of the licensed club. We thank the club for kindly providing the venue. The meeting will consist of the President’s report on the 2024. In accordance with our constitution there will be no election of committee as all committee members are elected until December 2025. There will be two motions to be voted on at the AGM. As well as a nomination for Life Member. Details to be sent with AGM papers in the next couple of days. Please join us after the meeting for small get together in the License Club after AGM concluded. Regards Di Cassel TSNSW Secretary 2024 AGM - Motions 2024 AGM - Agenda 2023 AGM - Minutes
October 30, 2024
Dear Members At the State Dinner in Adelaide in January we shall announce the TSNSW Senior of the Year 2024 Criteria : In accordance with Clause 16 of our Constitution Regulations and By Laws a nominee shall: 1. Be a current financial member of at least three years standing. 2. Not necessarily a champion player or administrator. 3. Participate with enthusiasm, show initiative, and encourage new members. 4. Be a good sport, gets along well with others. 5. Be an active member throughout the year. 6. Promote Seniors tennis by attending tournaments and introducing others to Seniors. All current members are invited to nominate a suitable candidate. You can forward your nomination to the Secretary at email by the 10th November 2024, accompanied by a relevant biography to support the nomination. Our Committee will consider the nominations and choose an appropriate “Senior of the Year” Downloads Nomination Form
October 30, 2024
Dear Members Nominations are open for Life membership of TSNSW All current members are invited to nominate a suitable candidate. You can forward your nomination to the Secretary at email by the 10th November 2024, accompanied by a relevant biography to support the nomination. Our Committee will consider the nominations and choose an appropriate “Life Member” to be approved at the 2024 AGM. Criteria : In accordance with Clause 5.2 of our Constitution Regulations and By Laws a nominee shall: ​Life Members (a) The Committee may recommend to the Annual General Meeting that any natural person who has rendered distinguished service to TSNSW or Tennis Seniors, where such service is deemed to have assisted the advancement of Tennis Seniors in New South Wales, be appointed as a Life Member. Downloads Nomination Form
October 30, 2024
TENNIS SENIORS AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED ANNUAL AWARDS Nominations close on Friday 6 December 2024. Please email your nomination to the TSA Secretary ( The National Awards for 2024 will be presented at the Annual Carnival Dinner to be held on Friday 10 January 2024 in Adelaide. There are three awards: Player of the Year Player Recognition Award Administrator of the Year Nominations can be made by anyone who is a member of a Tennis Seniors Association from across Australia. The nominee must also be a Tennis Seniors Association member. The nomination process is simple and members are encouraged to put forward nominees for one or more categories. The attached nomination form seeks tailored information for each of the categories. The categories are described further below. 1. PLAYER OF THE YEAR To be awarded to a player who has achieved notable tennis success over the past year in Seniors/Masters tournaments in Australia and/or at any international tournament, including ITF Masters Teams and Individual Championships. This category also considers on-court behavior, etiquette and "spirit of the game". 2. PLAYER RECOGNITION AWARD To be awarded to a player who has shown either of the following: a) significant improvement in their standard of tennis over the past year b) remarkable recovery from a severe injury which prevented tennis participation c) continued involvement in 30+ seniors tennis over a prolonged period of time, with a high level of integrity. This category also considers on-court behavior, etiquette and "spirit of the game". 3. ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR To be awarded to a person who has made a significant contribution to the administration of Seniors Tennis. This award recognizes contributions over the past 12 months, but also takes other previous contributions into consideration. Please provide details of any committee positions held and other specific duties and administrative services undertaken with noteworthy achievements. VOTING PROCESS Once nominations have been received, the Presidents of each Tennis Seniors Association in each State and Territory will be asked to vote in each category. Preferential voting will be conducted, whereby each nominee will be ranked in order of preference by respondents. The person with the lowest number of votes will be the category winner. The winners of each category is based only on the consolidated votes of the Presidents of all Divisions. Winners will be announced at the Teams Carnival Presentation Dinner and on TSA’s website and social media channels. Charlie Tulloch TSA Secretary 22 October 2024. Downloads Tennis Seniors Awards - Memo - Call for Nominations Tennis Seniors Awards - Nomination Form Tennis Seniors Awards - Voting Process and Selection Criteria
By Demo User February 1, 2024
On Monday 15th January it was announced at the TSNSW Team Dinner at the Australian Masters Team Championship in Hobart, that Enid Besant Ryan and Julie Pratt were both announces as the newest Life Members of TSNSW. The TSNSW committee along with all members would like to congratulate both Enid and Julie on this honor. As neither Julie nor Enid was available to be in Hobart a presentation will be made at a date to be confirmed, this will be open to all who wish to attend. 
February 1, 2024
We would like to congratulations to the following TSNSW players. Singles Winners 35 MS Brendon Moore 55 MS Igor Jovanovic 75WS Kerry Ballard Runner Up 30 WS Sanna Bedford 55 WS Cathy Benson 60 MS John Bruce 70 WS Helen Worland 80 WS Kim Blackburn 80 MS Dennis Bindon Doubles Winners 35 WD Angela Lawrence- Hendy 50 WD Samantha Jo Ewart 65 MD Wayne Pascoe 70 WD Kerry Ballard 80 MD Alan Walsh Runners Up 35 WD Sanna Bedford 45 WD Angela Lawrence – Hendy 50 WD Cathy Benson 60 MD John Brunner 65 WD Suzie Ellis Mixed Doubles Winners 55 XD Sharon Killen and John Brunner 75 XD Bob Bow
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